Make Fitness Fun for the Whole Family

Make Fitness Fun for the Whole Family

Family riding bikes

Make Fitness Fun for the Whole Family

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), children and adolescents should have 60 minutes or more of physical activity daily. Adults should do at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity, or 75 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity.

Aerobic types of exercise:

Walking/Jogging – Take the entire family, including the pets, for a walk/jog at your local park.

Cycling – Plan a 5-mile bike ride with the entire family.

Muscle-strengthening types of exercise:

Rope Climbing, Rock Climbing – Plan a rope/rock climbing outing with the family.

Sit-Ups – Compete with a family member to see who can do the most sit-ups.

Bone-strengthening types of exercise:

Hopping, Jumping, Skipping – Compete with a family member to see who can do the most jumping jacks.

Basketball, Volleyball –Team up with other families in the neighborhood to build teams.

* Talk to your doctor before engaging in any type of physical activity.

* Stay hydrated while exercising.

