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Tip #1: Get your annual physical

Tip #1: Get your annual physical

This is a great way for you and your primary care doctor to get to know each other and make sure you’re as healthy as you think you are. There’s no copay for this visit, and it can save you money down the road, too, by helping you take care of early health issues before they become more serious.

So, don’t put it off. Make an appointment today.

Any questions?

We’re here to help. Call us at 713.295.6704 or toll-free at 1.815.315.5386, or visit our website.

Community is more than a health plan. We’re a nonprofit health plan. We know that health care is expensive. Our goal is to help our Members get all the great care your family needs and the best bang for your buck. Ready to defend your dollars? Read our monthly tips to find out how it pays to be smart about healthcare spending. It might be easier than you think to save money. And who wouldn’t want to do that these days?
