You Count!

Be part of the 2020 census count

Be part of the 2020 census count

You Count!

Be part of the 2020 census count

The census counts all people living in the United States. The government uses this count to send money to states and cities that need it for schools, hospitals, highways, parks, and other important programs.

Be part of the 2020 census count​

The Count Starts Soon

  • MARCH: Census forms were mailed to every household.
  • AUGUST: Census takers will start going door-to-door to count those who have not taken it. Do not be afraid.
  • OCTOBER: The Census count ends.

Ask for their identification before you share your information.

Your community could lose about $1,500 for every person who is not counted.

That money could be spent on assistance like health care, student loan money, SNAP, and Head Start that help your whole family.

Your privacy is protected

It’s against the law for the Census Bureau to publicly release your responses in any way that could identify you or anyone in your household. By law, your responses cannot be used against you and can only be used to produce statistics.​

Why Choose Community?

As a local nonprofit health plan, Community Health Choice gives you plenty of reasons to join our Community. From the benefits and special programs we offer to the way our Member Services team helps you make the most of them, Community is always working life forward for you and your family.

“Community Health Choice is always there to answer my questions and help me and my family with our medical needs. I truly appreciate and value their customer support and service.”

– Cecily
Member of Community Health Choice